Saturday, August 13, 2011

Serenity Prayer

I was reading an article somewhere and it was talking about breaking down the serenity prayer and concentrating on each separate part, in order to take in all God has to offer! I recited the prayer once to myself, and it made me realize that this is a prayer I need to pray more often!!!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change! I think I touched base on this before, but this is so important and keeps being brought up to me. We don't have to be happy with the circumstances that we are in, the status of our health, our finances; whatever it may be! We do however need to realize that we don't have or want control of any of our issues. We need to give control to God so He can help us! And if it means accepting the fact that we need to let it go, so be it!

The courage to change the things I can! I really like that the word courage is used in this part! Any change is difficult and it takes a lot of dedication and sometimes it even takes falling on your face and getting back up again (a couple times sometimes), before you really make the change or form the habit.

And the wisdom to know the difference! Wisdom...Need I say much more than that?? We all lack it at times, we all want it and we all need it! We need to take the time to pray that God will help us to recognize the things that we can control, and things we can't, things we can change, things we can't! The more we pray for this, the better our day to day decision making is going to be. I think it will also help create a cycle... Prayer for wisdom leads to acceptance, acceptance helps creates courage, courageousness helps create necessary change, this change makes you thankful for wisdom and you pray for more!

Of course this is my take! I would love to hear back from you on this or whatever else you have to say...

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to them.

James 3:17

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